November 3, 2022

See exactly how RFP Automation can drive success for your logistics team

In today’s complex, rapidly evolving, and volatile shipping market, your logistics people have to find an edge wherever and whenever they can. Emails, spreadsheets, and phone calls used to be enough to take care of freight procurement when the market was simpler, slower, and more stable. Today, however, those outdated tools are a source of frustration, causing slowdowns and cutting into your company’s bottom line. 

So, what would the right approach look like? We did the in-depth research, then created a data sheet and a handy checklist to help you accurately assess the specific strengths and weaknesses of your company’s current procurement processes. Included is straightforward information about how Shipwell’s RFP Automation saves time and money by scaling these complex tasks.

You can use this checklist to:

  • Quickly evaluate the quality of your current freight-procurement processes
  • Visualize industry-wide trends and needs in the area of freight procurement
  • Identify the precise aspects of RFP that are costing the most time and money
  • Pinpoint what steps need to be taken to ensure your company’s best outcomes
  • See how RFP Automation provides effective solutions to current and future issues

Download these tools to get key RFP insights you can immediately put into action

Download AI Implementation Checklist
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