Advanced-Data Reporting

Turn Data Into Decisions

Transform disjointed data into unified insights tailored to any role for confident, data-driven decision-making with Shipwell Advanced Data Reporting.

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Integrated Appointment Visibility and Management

Discover How You Can Increase Dock Productivity and Strengthen Carrier Relationships

Seamlessly schedule your shipping and receiving appointments directly on our online carrier & dock worker portal. Our strategic automation is designed to optimize dock availability, tailored to navigate your facility's constraints and understand the unique nature of each of your shipments.

With intelligent scheduling that works for everyone involved, Shipwell takes the complexity out of dock management.

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For Shippers

Reduce freight costs and maximize facility utilization byautomating the scheduling process.

For Carriers

Save valuable time by scheduling and managing dock appointments all in one place.

For Dock Workers

Easily view all scheduled appointments and manage shipment arrivals/departures with intuitive interface.

Advanced Reporting & User Empowerment

Meeting Your Evolving Data Needs

As your operational complexities continue to grow, the demand for detailed, multifaceted, and uniquely tailored performance metrics has intensified exponentially.

Generic, one-size-fits-all reporting simply falls short, failing to provide the nuanced insights required for truly strategic, data-driven decision-making. Your business deserves better - you need a reporting solution that empowers you to unlock the full transformative potential of your supply chain data.

Complex Metrics for Complex Supply Chains

Your supply chain complexity demands more detailed and unique performance metrics to make informed decisions. Generalized reporting falls short - you need insights tailored to your specific requirements.

Empowering Timely, Data- Driven Decisions

Fast, user-defined analytics empower you and your team to make more timely and effective decisions. Enterprise-wide BI integration also reveals the deeper "why" behind the numbers.

Fostering Cross-Functional Collaboration

The ability to share TMS data across your enterprise encourages valuable collaboration between departments and external partners. Reduced IT dependency also delivers faster insights and lower costs, empowering user-driven strategies.

Shipwell Advanced Data Reporting

Transforming Supply Chain Analytics

Building on our deep understanding of evolving reporting needs, Shipwell has developed advanced data reporting capabilities within its TMS platform to empower your teams. Shipwell TMS platform provides a comprehensive suite of tools designed to streamline the shipping and logistics processes for businesses of all sizes. These tools include an array of analytics and reporting capabilities to track, analyze, and report on various aspects of your shipping operations.

Within the Analytics tab, you'll find a range of powerful features to help you gain deeper visibility into your supply chain performance:

Customizable Dashboards:

Create personalized dashboards that display the key metrics and KPIs most important to your business.

Scheduled Reporting:

Set up automated reports to be delivered on a recurring schedule, ensuring you never miss an important update.

Ad-Hoc Analysis:

Quickly generate custom reports on the fly to investigate specific issues or uncover new opportunities.

Data Visualization:

Leverage intuitive charts, graphs, and other visual tools to better understand your data.

Collaborative Sharing:

Share critical insights and reports with stakeholders across your organization.

Make more confident, data-driven decisions, uncover hidden opportunities, and position your business for long-term success in the face of any challenge.

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Self-Service Reporting

From Canned Metrics to Customized Analytics

Shipwell offers a progressive maturity model for your reporting capabilities, spanning from canned transportation metrics to self-service analytics and enterprise-wide data unification. This evolution towards greater customization, integration, and utility empowers you to align your supply chain analytics with your unique business needs and broader organizational goals.

Access Canned Reporting

Shipwell offers an extensive library of predefined reports covering key areas of your logistics operations, including shipment execution, financial management, performance metrics, and sustainability analysis. These out-of-the-box reports deliver instant visibility into your critical logistics data, requiring minimal effort to get up and running.

Customize Vendor

This powerful feature empowers your transportation teams to tailor reports to their unique needs. Simply work with the Shipwell support team to select specific data fields, apply advanced filters, add custom metrics, and configure visualization formats. The resulting reports are fully aligned with your organization's distinct requirements, accelerating data-driven decision-making.

Integrate BI Capabilities

Shipwell's reporting capabilities seamlessly integrate with leading BI platforms, as well as offer robust built-in BI functionality. This allows you to leverage interactive data visualization, sophisticated data aggregation, and advanced analytical capabilities to uncover deeper insights from your logistics data.

Create Self-Service Reports

Shipwell's user-friendly, drag-and-drop reporting interface empowers your logistics professionals to create fully customized reports and dashboards without relying on IT or external vendors. This accelerates your time to insight and action, putting the power of data-driven decision-making directly in the hands of your team.

Share Data Securely

With Shipwell's Private Data Sharing feature, you can securely access your logistics data within your Enterprise Data Warehouse, leveraging a modern data architecture to unlock new levels of collaboration and insights. Shipwell provides pre-transformed, cleaned data in an optimized star schema, facilitating lightning-fast analytics and BI reporting across your organization.

Tailored Insights, Amplified Impact

Propelling Your Shipping Operations into the Data-Powered Future

Efficiently managing shipping operations requires insightful data analytics. Shipwell advanced data reporting offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to help you make data-driven decisions and optimize your shipping processes. From setting filters to creating custom dashboards, we're here to help you get the insights you need, when you need them.

Setting Filters:

Shipwell's powerful filtering capabilities allow you to narrow down the data displayed on your analytics dashboard by selecting criteria like date range, equipment type, mode, shipment status, and more.

Scheduling a Report:

Customize the report settings, including PDF, CSV, or XLSX format, etc., and specify the delivery frequency, timing, and timezone that best suits your needs.

Seamless Data Access and Sharing:

Apply the necessary filters, select your preferred format (PDF, Excel, or CSV, etc.), and save the report to your device or share it with key stakeholders.

Viewing Custom Analytics and Dashboards:

Get a personalized view of your shipping data with custom dashboards designed for you.

With Shipwell's user-friendly analytics capabilities, you have the power to make data-driven decisions that drive your business forward.

Download the datasheet
“ Shipwell's dynamic dock scheduling has been a game-changer for managing freight. Being able to easily coordinate time slots across all our shipping locations and seamlessly integrate with our TMS will cut out endless hours of frustrating phone calls and email threads. We can confirm dock appointments in minutes instead of days. And the ability to adjust pickups and drop-offs on the fly based on real-time data has saved us from massive headaches. I don't know any other solution that brings this level of simplicity and flexibility together into one smooth automated workflow."
Name Lastname
Product Manager, Gartner
“In the Shipwell TMS, I went from never having planned a shipment to saving 20% in a month using load optimization!”
Name Lastname
Product Manager, Gartner
"Swifty AI Assistant has transformed our transportation operations, eliminating tedious manual work and enabling us to focus on strategic initiatives. With natural language processing, we seamlessly input shipment details and logistics data across channels, saving countless hours. By consolidating information in one platform, Swifty has reduced manual processes by 90%, providing an organized view of our transportation network. Highly recommended for streamlined logistics management."
Food Delivery Manufacturer
“Over this past year with COVID, our freight has increased substantially due to the explosive growth of e-commerce. With the amount of trucks we have on the road right now and with the amount of freight that we're moving, just to be able to have it all organized in one place has helped the team, we’ve loved the visibility.”
Premier Packaging
“We can always count on a streamlined booking process as well as visibility on the loads. We always have access to a team of customer support, it really makes any glitches in the system non-existent within minutes. It's been a life changer.“
Marcus Technologies
“Prior to using Shipwell’s TMS solution, it was a very manual process to manage shipments. We were relying heavily on spreadsheets to track orders, which really limits the number of carriers that you can work with. Using the TMS solution, we are able to connect with multiple carriers easily, which in turn allows us to compare different rates.”
Food and Beverage
“The native visibility has been amazing for optimization and cost savings. Let’s say we have two orders being picked up at the same supplier — one for this week, one for next week — Shipwell recommends we get with the buyers and see if we can combine the shipments. And right there, that's a cost savings of around $1,500 just for those two orders.”
Home Chef
“Shipwell's dynamic dock scheduling has been a game-changer for managing freight. Being able to easily coordinate time slots across all our shipping locations and seamlessly integrate with our TMS will cut out endless hours of frustrating phone calls and email threads. We can confirm dock appointments in minutes instead of days. And the ability to adjust pickups and drop-offs on the fly based on real-time data has saved us from massive headaches. I don't know any other solution that brings this"
Food Delivery Manufacturer
“A single flagged accounting error saved $111,000 the very first time we used the new settlement capability.”
Jess Pilarski
Logistics Manager, Home Chef
“Integrating Shipwell dynamic rating … has been a game-changer for our logistics operations… The enhanced visibility … has enabled us to make data-driven decisionsand develop more effective supply chain strategies, ultimately improving our overall efficiency and bottom line."
Johnny Craddock
Director of Transportation at Shopify

The Right Business Fit, With More Value Add

Shipwell’s TMS platform stands out for its powerful combination of multimodal shipment planning and execution with real-time visibility for exception management, all on a scalable platform ready to simplify tomorrow’s growing logistics complexity.

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