November 17, 2023

Meet your new time-saving logistics ally: Swifty

Introducing Swifty, the AI-powered logistics assistant that will help you manage your shipping operations with ease. Swifty helps you automate your logistics operations by understanding and processing human commands and inquiries across different input channels. With Swifty, you can:

  • Create new orders
  • Get order or shipment status updates
  • Upload carrier documents
  • Schedule dock appointments
  • Provide real-time quotes
  • And much more!

Swifty is available 24/7 to provide intelligent support on order information, inquiries, order management, and delivery updates. It's self-service and can answer questions and act on commands independently, often without human intervention. Swifty is also easy to use, even for those with no prior experience with AI or natural language processing.

Experience the future of logistics automation with Swifty.

Download the data sheet to learn more or sign up to speak to a Shipwell representative to get a demo today!

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Want to learn more?

Seamlessly schedule your shipping and receiving appointments directly on our online carrier & dock worker portal. Our strategic automation is designed to optimize dock availability, tailored tonavigate your facility's constraints and understand the unique nature of each of your shipments.

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