November 20, 2019

The Benefits of Using the Shipwell Load Board

Shipwell is known for bringing solutions to the supply chain that automate and grow businesses to ship better.

One such time-saving feature on the Shipwell platform is the use of private Load Boards. Shippers and 3PLs can build customized Load Boards populated with their specific load volumes that help carriers zero in on the loads they really want.

Make shipping easier for carriers

With Shipwell, carriers can find, bid, and book shipments on their own schedule. The Shipwell Load Board is constantly updated with new loads available for bidding and instant booking.

On the Shipwell platform, carriers can set up filters that remove any irrelevant postings so they spend less time searching through loads.

Best of all, Shipwell is a game-changer with document management built directly into the platform. Once carriers book shipments, they are sent rate confirmations instantly. You can go from click to ship in an instant.

Carriers can also message shippers or 3PLs directly in the Shipwell platform to notify them of shipment status or alert them of any changes that may occur during shipment for added visibility into the supply chain.

You can also view your bidding and booking history of previous shipments you ran using Shipwell to better manage your fleet.

On top of that, Shipwell calculates a Match Score for every shipment available on the Load Board to zero in on shipments that match your equipment, preferred lanes, and driver availability. Best of all, if your fleet is ELD connected, the platform can assist in finding backhauls for drivers once they finish their current load.

Shippers and 3PLs can put shipments in front of preferred carriers

For shippers and 3PLs, using carriers you trust for every single shipment can add security and mitigate risk. Private Load Board access can be sent to the carrier companies you specifically want to use so they know each shipment will be in good hands. In the supply chain, building relationships with shippers, 3PLs, and carriers you trust are paramount to successful shipments in the long term.

3PLs that have a list of primary carriers they love working with can minimize the hours they spend doing repetitive tasks by sending out their Load Board directly to their primaries every day. Through Shipwell, they can streamline their workflows and help the process move faster.

Shipwell is the best supply chain tool you can have in your toolbelt as a shipper, 3PL, or carrier today. If you are ready to take advantage of our private Load Boards and robust features, sign up today and get started right away.

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