February 26, 2025

Responsive ETAs: Advanced visibility for proactive issue management

For businesses in every vertical, ensuring on-time arrival of shipments is the top priority, as any delay can cause a ripple effect within their own supply chain and can lead to negative experiences for their customers. From dock scheduling to the production of goods, knowing when shipments are going to arrive is critical to success. 

To help shippers proactively combat the effects of delays, today Shipwell announced the launch of Responsive ETAs, granting them a new level of at-a-glance visibility into estimated arrival times for enroute shipments. Logistics managers can now see which shipments are on-time, which are running late, and which are at risk of missing their scheduled delivery time, all directly on the Shipwell platform. This visibility and quick access to key, real-time ETA information enables them to address issues proactively by focusing attention on shipments requiring corrective actions well in advance of their scheduled delivery, rather than after the delay has already occurred.

Along with the at-a-glance capabilities, what sets Responsive ETAs apart from the standard is the amount of data that goes into establishing them. Typically, to determine the arrival time of a shipment, point-in-time location is used — either through time consuming phone calls with carriers, or ELD location tracking. Neither of these options are able to account for variables like the traffic or weather conditions that the shipment may encounter while enroute. Responsive ETAs however are built to actively monitor those factors, providing logistics and warehouse managers the ability to identify which shipments are at risk of missing their scheduled delivery due not only based on where they are at that time, but also accounting for what disruptions may lie ahead.

How do they work?

Responsive ETAs constantly monitor the locations of active shipments to compute estimated arrival times for all upcoming stops while accounting for upcoming traffic and weather conditions.

Shipment statuses, which include On Time, At Risk, or Late, are displayed directly on Compass Dashboard, shipment list and shipment detail pages. Additionally, any shipment for which the location information has not been refreshed in the past two hours is flagged for the user to request updated information. This can be done through on-screen corrective actions to add location events or send automated check-in calls to the carrier.

All together, Responsive ETAs empower logistics and warehouse managers to leverage up-to-date tracking and arrival times for shipments while offering advance notice of emerging problems. The net result is a smoother operating supply chain and consistently satisfied customers.

To learn more about the ways that Shipwell is providing shippers with the tools they need to keep their supply chains on track, request a demo today. Shipwell customers can access Responsive ETAs today, directly on the platform.

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